
20+ Reasons Why Research Should Be at The Heart of Education

Have you ever wondered how our education system would’ve been without research? It is an essential part of any education. Different activities require different types of fact-findings and students should be taught about it before attending class. It can vary from performing a simple internet search to putting together an intense history project. In short, there is no limit to what kind of analysis you can do and what kind you are expected to deliver. Here are 10 reasons why educational research is important:

20+ Reasons Why Research in Education Matters:

Research shows that research matters! Students who are engaged in testing-based learning learn more than students who rely on memorization and repetition of information. This is especially true for students who have had disadvantages, such as those in low socio-economic areas or those with special needs.

Research is vital in education. It is needed to develop new teaching methods and improve the existing ones. It helps to find answers to the questions that learners face every day in their learning practice. Many research paper writing services are helping them all around the world. Along with these services, profound experimentations are also needed to solve any educational problem, including those related to curriculum design and development, student assessment, teacher training, etc.

Adds to knowledge: 

  • Research is important because it sets the foundation for all future discussions, findings, and conclusions in academics. Without proper analysis, students may find themselves relying on their own opinions to answer questions or make claims. 
  • For example, a student may attempt to argue that Shakespeare is more relevant to 21st-century high school students than Hemingway without examining any information about the works of either author. The student would be unable to provide any evidence and his or her argument would lack credibility.

It is the basis of education:

Educational analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, is the foundation of all educational progress. Without it, educators would have no idea whether they were succeeding or failing in their jobs. Without study, there would be little advancement from one generation to the next.

Provides solutions: 

  • Many times, when a question arises, it can be answered by conducting a study on the topic. This is why it is important as it provides solutions to many problems which might be troubling these days.
  • For example, many teachers conduct examinations on classroom management techniques and use what they’ve learned to improve how they run their classrooms. The analysis also allows us to develop new solutions for problems we face every day. 
  • For instance, an educator may read a study on effective methods for teaching students with learning disabilities and then use those ideas in his or her own classroom.

Allows for exploration: 

  • It allows people to explore and learn more about different topics which they wouldn’t know otherwise. It helps them expand their knowledge horizon and allow them to discover many things they didn’t know before.
  • Many students are not given the opportunity to explore their own interests when it comes to education. By exploring topics that interest them, students will be more likely to develop a passion for learning and an interest in furthering their education. Thus, it allows students to dig deep into a topic and learn about its intricacies.

Enables academics to share their knowledge: 

  • When academics conduct analysis, they can share their findings with other academics who can then build upon this knowledge and use it in their own fields of study. Enables academics to share their knowledge
  • Without research, educators cannot share their knowledge with other professionals or with students. It is necessary for professors to publish papers and books that can help others advance academically. 
  • This becomes also necessary for professors who want to gain tenure or recognition as experts in their fields. In addition, it can help parents better understand how they can assist children at home.

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Research improves teaching practices:

Educational research helps teachers improve their skills and meet their performance standards. It also helps them understand why certain teaching strategies work with some students and not with others.

Improves teaching abilities:

Improves teaching abilities
Skill Knowledge Ability Business. Businessman With Wording Abilities, Training, Knowledge, Experience.

Teachers who do analysis on educational methods and theories gain valuable information that they can use in the classroom. Studies show that teachers who engage in some types of experimentation are better prepared than teachers who do not conduct investigations. This helps improve the quality of education overall because all children deserve the best instructors possible.

Research provides a basis for reform in education:

A major indicator that an educational system needs improvement is that it does not match with current fact findings on how students learn best. If most of the educators in a school or district are using teaching methods that contradict what is known about learning, changes need to be made to ensure student success.

Research aids in curriculum development and evaluation:

Guidelines based on current experimentation help instructors develop curricula that will match students’ ability levels and learning styles while meeting state and national standards for education (Common Core State Standards Initiative). They also help instructors evaluate whether their curricula are actually successful in meeting these goals or should be revised to do so more effectively.

The basis for developing new models and theories of teaching and learning:

  • In the ever-changing educational arena, research is imperative to keep up with student needs and learning styles. 
  • Research facilitates the development of new models and theories of teaching and learning, which help teachers to make their classrooms more interesting and engaging. It also helps teachers to develop their skills in using technology in education as well as meeting the needs of students with special needs.
  • Further, it also helps teachers to be critical thinkers, problem solvers and decision-makers so that they can easily find solutions to various problems related to teaching. Experimentation also aids in understanding students’ abilities, potentials and interests.

Making students more competent in the 21rst century: 

  • Fact-findings helps us to understand our students better and make them more competent in 21st-century society. It prepares them to become global citizens who can understand, appreciate and respect different cultures. It enables us to be up to date with the latest trends in education.
  • Again, it is necessary for the teachers themselves to evolve and adapt their methods of teaching in a world where the next generation of students is technologically advanced, exposed and easily distracted by various forms of media.

Enables us for self-directed learning:

  • Exploration is the process of asking questions about a subject or topic, using resources to find the answer, and communicating the findings of your work to others. While many consider it to be something primarily done in academic and scientific fields, the truth is that it is a valuable skill that can make a difference in every person’s life.
  • When you perform testing, you will start by forming a question about a specific topic or subject area, then conducting an investigation into it and evaluating what you have found before communicating your conclusions with others.
  • By doing this, you’ll learn how to ask questions about a subject or topic and find answers on your own – which is something we call self-directed learning.

Improves reading skills:

  • Experimentation is a part of our daily lives. It improves our reading skills. There are many great books that could help you improve your reading skills. 
  • In addition to this, you’ll be able to read some scientific journals, which are a great way to improve both your reading and vocabulary skills. 
  • Conducting it and writing about it is a common task at school and in the workplace. 
  • Knowing how to conduct it properly, find reliable sources online, cite them properly and write it all in your own words will be useful not only for students and scholars but for all kinds of professionals as well.

Helps students develop critical thinking skills:

critical thinking skills
Critical Thinking. Analysis, Listening, flexibilitu and fairness concept. Chart with keywords and icons on white background

Testing is a form of problem-solving, and students are encouraged to use critical thinking skills as they delve into topics. The research paper requires close reading of complex text from multiple sources, which students must comprehend, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate.

  • As the world becomes more interconnected and technology continues to advance at breakneck speeds, it becomes increasingly important for scholars and academics to stay current on new developments in their fields. 
  • As stated earlier, information changes rapidly these days and it’s important for professionals to stay up-to-date with trends in their fields. For example, professors must do experimentation because they have not only mastered their fields but must also keep learning about new developments in those fields.
  • One way that they can do this is by conducting analysis or promoting it in some other way.

Leads to innovations in technology and methods of teaching:

  • When professors are conducting investigations on a particular topic, they may experience unforeseen discoveries that could lead them to make a major change in their teaching methods or even to new technology. 
  • If a professor discovers something useful while researching his/her topic, he/she may realize that there’s a better way to teach his/her students.
  • Experimentation leads to innovations in technology, which better equips teachers with the tools they need when teaching. 
  • For example, advances in computer technologies have led to the development of online learning programs that allow students to learn from home or while travelling at their own pace rather than following a traditional class schedule.

Allows educators to measure progress and outcomes better:

It allows teachers and administrators to gather data that can help them determine if their students are making adequate progress towards meeting educational standards. It also helps teachers uncover the best methods of instruction, so they can teach in a way that leads to student success.

Creates opportunities:

Educational research creates opportunities for new discoveries and innovations in education. Discovering new strategies and techniques, new trends and issues that are currently affecting schools, helps school staff make evidence-based decisions about changes to the curriculum, grades and instructional methods. It also helps researchers uncover ways to increase student success and improve education overall.

Improves public understanding:

Fact-finding helps to improve public understanding about the role that education plays in society, which in turn can help the public understand how to better support educators and students. It also highlights important issues that relate to education, like teacher shortages or inequalities in school funding. By knowing what is going on in schools today, the public can make better-informed choices about how to best support their local schools.

Leads to better decision-making by school administrators:

In modern times when policymakers are increasingly being held accountable for the results they produce, it becomes very important that they make informed decisions. This is where educational research comes into the picture. 

It helps policymakers understand the issues faced by schools and students and guides them in making decisions that yield desired results. Some of these issues include inequalities faced by students on the basis of gender, caste or color; issues faced by students with special needs; problems faced by schools in urban areas, rural areas or tribal areas etc.

Makes policymakers aware of inequalities and other issues affecting schools:

The department of education can use educational research to identify the reasons for the failure of certain schools or programs and take appropriate corrective measures. The department can also use factual findings to design more effective learning programs for schools and colleges.


Our educational system is most likely on the threshold of a fundamental revolution. “The Information Revolution” has created unprecedented new opportunities as well as challenges for the educational sector. Now, quickly changing human demographics and growing worldwide competition are requiring educators to change their traditional approach and develop a new set of skills in order to succeed. And that’s why research should be at the heart of education; it plays a significant role in driving education forwards.

manu bhadouria

I'm Manmohan Bhadouria, a digital marketer with a strong SEO background. I love writing blogs and stories, and exploring new places and adventures is my passion. I have a soft spot for all kinds of animals.

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