Digital marketingSeo

How to write a good blog post

Are you finding a hard time writing a good blog post? 

It can be confusing for beginners to properly write a good blog post.

However, in this article, I will show you exactly how to write a good blog post in simple 11 steps.

Let’s get started!

Decide a Topic

The first step to writing a good blog post is finding a topic. 

Are you finding a hard time getting a topic for your blog post?

Well, no worries.

Find out what problems your readers are facing, what is trending around your niche?

Using this formula can help you easily decide which topic to base your topic on.

  1. Make Research

Making research is one of the steps that consume a lot of time. Denying research enough time could see your blog post going to waste.

In fact, if you take your time making research on what you will write the whole process will be easier.

Research is categorized into;

  • Keyword Research
  • Competitor Analysis

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

This involves finding the necessary keywords to be used in the blog post, their search volume, competition, and other relevant metrics.

This can easily be done with the help of SEO tools such as SEM RushUber SuggestAhrefs e.t.c.

These are freemium tools with both paid and free versions.

To get winning keywords, find high volume but low competition keywords. Do not get tempted to go for keywords because they have a high volume and you ignore the high competition, they are usually hard to rank for.

Also, endeavour to find other keywords that are related to your main keyword. 

Note: Do not fill your post with only the main keyword, try to find other related keywords to help search engines like Google to understand your content better.

Competitor Analysis

Now that you have found the keywords to use in your blog post, you need to find the content that already exists around those keywords.

Place your keyword in Google and hit enter. 

Analyze the pages ranking on the first page for the keyword you have placed in.

Check for metrics like word count, have they answered user intent? have they fully exhausted the topic?

Generally, analyze the quality of the content that your competitors have written.

Make further research to put yourself in a position of offering added value to your readers. 

Even when you are not well conversant with the topic you are writing about, research will help you get to know it more and also deliver it in a simpler way to your readers.

Remember to write content that beats your competitors to the ground.

Check out: How to Start a Tech Blog (Beginners Guide)

  1. Write An Outline For Your Blog Post

Assuming you have made proper research, the next thing to do is prepare an outline of your content.

Outlining your blog post involves dividing your content into headings and subheadings.

This will make it easy for you to write your blog post even faster when you divide it into sections.

It will make your workflow, and simplify your writing process.

After that, fill your outline with content. 

At this stage, do not worry about perfection, focus on writing to fill up your blog post, editing will come later.

  1. Include Media in Your Post

Media such as images, screenshots, graphs, e.t.c will not only help you in SEO optimization of your blog post but also make your post entertaining.

Images can turn a boring post into an exciting one. Images help to keep your readers hooked on the post.

Media in your post helps to increase your site appearances in search results.

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  1. Write  a Catchy Intro

Do not rush with writing introductions to your post. It is better to craft an introduction last so that you can have time to make it perfect.

Make an intro that grabs the user’s attention, one that creates curiosity and makes people want to read your whole blog post.

You can start with a question about the reader’s problem. In the next paragraph inform them how you are going to solve their problem in your article.

  1. Proofread

No one likes reading content with misspellings, typos, errors, and grammar mistakes.

Check your content very well by reading thoroughly through it. I suggest you proofread your content after you are refreshed.

Avoid proofreading your post while you are tired and weary.  You are likely to miss out on errors in your blog post.

Use a writing assistant like Grammarly to help you automatically catch errors in real-time.

  1. Write a Conclusion 

This is the end of your blog post. Briefly remind your readers of what you have covered in the post. 

Encourage your readers to comment by writing a statement like; 

Are you finding any difficulties? Let me know in the comment section.

Such a conclusion will keep your readers reminded of the focus of the post and also encourage them to comment on your post.

  1. Call To Action

A call to action is a command that you want your readers to do. Call To Actions if crafted well, they convert and return great results.

A call to action can be a request for your readers to share your blog post, to join your telegram/Facebook group, or even a request to follow you on Social media.

Properly optimize your call to action, and you will be amazed at how well they convert.

For example; Follow me on Facebook is different from Please follow me on Facebook

If it were you, which call to action emotionally touches you?

  1. Optimize for SEO

Now that you have finished writing your blog post, it is time to optimize it for Search Engine Optimization.

SEO simply refers to the things you need to do to get your blog post noticed by search engines to get traffic.

Check whether you have properly used keywords in your blog post, included your keywords in headings and subheadings, meta descriptions, written content that solves user intent and reader’s problems. 

  1. Publish Your Bog Post 

This is it! Time to hit the publish button. Let the world get to see what you have to say.

Promote Your Blog Post

  1. Promote Your Blog Post

Publishing your blog post is not the end! You need to promote your blog post. Share your post link to social media, in your newsletter, to friends and in forums to boost its reach.

Sharing your post to various social sites also boosts SEO and shows positive signals to Google that the post is worth ranking.


Summing up, in this article, I have shown you ways how you can write a blog post, the main things to include in your post and optimize it for SEO.

I hope you found this article helpful, and you are on your way to writing your blog post right now.

If you are still facing any issues let me know in the comment section.

Please share this post to spread the knowledge.

manu bhadouria

I'm Manmohan Bhadouria, a digital marketer with a strong SEO background. I love writing blogs and stories, and exploring new places and adventures is my passion. I have a soft spot for all kinds of animals.

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