Web Development

Role of PHP Developer In Web Development

A PHP developer plays a vital role in building and maintaining web applications. It’s their task to update web pages and configure database connection settings. They also actively contribute to the operation of website servers, modifying existing code and adding new features for the site, as well as create custom software solutions for different website needs. To become a PHP developer, the candidate must possess programming skills, the ability to work in a team and use various software tools. Due to its versatility and flexibility, PHP is frequently used in different web development tasks. Therefore, this field has great demand in IT career fields. It also helps build a strong portfolio at the end of coursework.

Currently, there are a lot of companies willing to hire PHP developers like Google and Yahoo. The demand for PHP developers is high so that people tend to seek employment through online job portals such as Indeed or Monster.com to find jobs related to their area of expertise and provide themselves an opportunity for growth within a company or organisation that is willing to invest time and resources in their training and development.

What is PHP?

PHP is a scripting language for creating dynamic web pages. This coding language was built and designed by Rasmus Lerdorf back in 1994 as an open source server-side scripting language. Today, PHP has become the most widely used web development programming language. It may be used to develop any type of web application with ease. With PHP, you can build dynamic content and features easily and quickly, including shopping carts, videos, photo albums and content management systems. PHP code is processed by web servers, allowing visitors to view content dynamically, even if their browser is not an appropriate browser on the particular server.

What does a PHP developer do?

 PHP developers may be involved in the following areas:

  1. Developing web applications for websites and mobile apps.
  2. Implementing and modifying existing web application functionality.
  3. Creating new functionality to improve the functionality of websites.
  4. Maintaining existing or developing new software or solutions.
  5. Creating custom software solutions to meet specific business needs.
  6. Helping the team develop new software solutions.
  7. Working in web design
  8. Developing a good understanding of front-end development and web design tools.

If you like, you could also use an online tool to convert your code into HTML. There are some tools, such as CodeAnywhere, that can assist you with this task as well. However, keep in mind that HTML is not the same as PHP code and should not be used for websites that host sensitive data such as banking information or personal information. Your task would be to utilise PHP code instead of HTML techniques to protect your website from hacking attempts.

What does a PHP developer need?

In addition to having programming skills and an understanding of computer programming languages and concepts, you’ll also need to have a basic understanding of:

  1. Web design and development.
  2. HTML5, CSS2, CSS3
  3. Database connection methods such as OOP and PDO.
  4. Cross-browser compatibility issues. You will also want to be familiar with the following: Web servers such as Apache or IIS, UNIX/Linux operating systems and Microsoft Windows. Programming languages like C# , Java or JavaScript are essential.
  5. Active server page (ASP.NET)
  6. PHP and MySQL
  7. JavaScript Frameworks such as AngularJS, ReactJS, VueJS or Node.js

What can you expect to earn as a PHP developer? 

The average salary for a PHP developer is 12,00,000  rupees per year. However, the earning potential of a PHP developer really depends on his or her skill set and level of expertise.You should focus on improving your skills which will lead you to a higher payout. You can do so by giving online coding tests, reading blogs related to PHP or by taking help of a mentor. 

Those with experience and skills in .NET often make more than their counterparts who have limited knowledge in this area. In fact, some PHP developers focus on gaining skills and knowledge by studying other programming languages to broaden their career options in the future.

Depending on your level of expertise and skills, your salary can reach as high as 20,00,000 rupees per year. Salaries vary depending on the region in which you work, your level of experience and specific skills. In addition to a competitive salary package, PHP developers are offered excellent job opportunities and benefits that include:

  1. Health insurance for you and your family
  2. Life insurance for you and your family
  3. Dental insurance for you and your family
  4. Flexible spending accounts for medical expenses
  5. Tuition reimbursement plans to help in further developing their skills through additional education courses.

What job opportunities are available for a PHP Developer? 

There are also other jobs related to PHP Developer such as Web developer, Project manager, Engineer etc. You can expect to land PHP developer jobs in:

  1. Software companies
  2. Mobile application development companies
  3. Web design and development agencies
  4. Project management and software engineering companies
  5. Group technology fees such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Some employers will even offer you an opportunity to work remotely. The market for PHP developers is growing rapidly all over the country , particularly in cities  like Delhi, Chennai, Pune and Bangalore. Your service can be accessed by employers around the country  with or without physical proximity. You could possibly develop business projects with clients who are based elsewhere than where you live now, which increases your chances of being hired by potential employers.

Many employers today are also open to hiring foreign developers, so if you’re looking for a job in a particular country, it won’t be hard to find one. In fact, they are willing to On-Demand Developers anyone that has the technical skills and experience to complete the jobs assigned to them. However, your location can affect your salary. Those who work in countries with lower minimum wages generally earn less than those who work in countries with higher minimum wages.

If you are interested in making your career in PHP Development i will recommend you Mercer Mettl. They provide online platform where you can practise online assessment tests which will help you to improve your skills.

Also Read Tips to Hire Offshore Developers To Build Software

manu bhadouria

I'm Manmohan Bhadouria, a digital marketer with a strong SEO background. I love writing blogs and stories, and exploring new places and adventures is my passion. I have a soft spot for all kinds of animals.

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